From food waste to biosurfactants and lactic acid

In the European WASTE2FUNC project we will demonstrate the production of biobased surfactants and lactic acid food waste from agriculture, the food industry, supermarkets and restaurants.

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WASTEFUNC: From food waste to biosurfactants and lactic acid

In this project we will demonstrate the production of biosurfactants and lactic acid from food waste from agriculture, the food industry, supermarkets and restaurants. An important part of the project will be the development of a registration website/app to register food waste streams from the agriculture and food industry for collection by a waste collector.

More Info

More information? Contact us

If you would like more information about WASTE2FUNC or if you have suggestions for improvements, don’t hesitate to contact us!


The WASTE2FUNC project is possible thanks to a collaboration of several companies and research institutions.

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